Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. ~Emma Goldman

I'm a little heartbroken today..... I went to visit my sister in the hospital (not the reason for my heartbreak, don't worry!) She is at Unity, up in my old neighborhood. I decided to take the "scenic" route home and drive by my childhood home, also I'd pass my grandparents former home. As I drove along the streets of Heights my mind was flooded with memories, remembering long days spent at McKenna park (the one with the AWESOME wading pool), the walks to Heights Grocery (the corner market) for a sprite, and of course my grandparents..... As I approached my grandparents home my heart filled with joy and memories of the gorgeous lawn...only to broken when I finally saw what it had become. My Grandma's beautiful, award winning flower gardens were no where to be seen. The lawn was weedy and lackluster, the bushes that held the most sweet smelling roses were a ragged mess, no full green Hostas lining the house. I don't think I spotted even one bud of the former beds. I burst into tears, luckily the radio was on, covering my sniffles so I didn't have to explain to Ruby my tears. I don't know what I expected, of course they wouldn't be there! My Grandma Ree passed almost 8 years ago. She had such a lovely, overfilled, colorful, sweet smelling garden. She LOVED her flowers, many hours spent weeding and caring for them. When she wasn't out in the flowers, she was inside painting water colors images of them, bright and detailed. Every birthday we received one of these paintings in card form, with a little note of her and my grandpa's love for us and stating how proud of us they were, along with a bible verse. The garden represents so much more to me than just plants, they represent her. It was the little bit left of her that I thought would brighten my day. I know I have the memories and the paintings and the photos, but the flowers were a living thing. I know it is just so silly and ridiculous to have felt this way, but I did in that moment. Todays trip was just a reminder of what I dearly miss. I'm so blessed to have had such wonderful grandparents and to have such fond memories. I'm happy to have inherited my grandma's crafty side, her joy of cooking, her fondness for birds, and I hope someday her green thumb! I know the memories are much better than a silly old flower garden, and I'm happy to have them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Becka. Not silly at all. I had a similar experience visiting a family cabin (now with different owners) as a child. I remember it being HUGE and the smells and sounds are vivid to this day. I too was in the area and decided to drive by. I ended up going in to the cabin since it was on a dead-end road and the people were outside. We had a really nice chat and they clearly loved the place. But, the empty lots next door had huge houses that touched property lines on both sides. The peace was gone. And, the cabin was indeed tiny. I couldn't believe it! I got in the car and cried too. I try to focus on those childhood memories. It's not easy, that much I know. Thank you for sharing your story. I see a green thumb in your future!
