Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cloth Diapering: a journey

Cloth diapering you ask? Yes!
When we were pregnant with Ruby, Nathan and I researched and discussed using cloth but opted out. I was working at the salon and had crazy hours along with Nathan working the opposite hours of me, all so we could keep Ruby with us as much as possible. All that to say that I had no time, I wanted a fuss free life. For pete's sake pumping and freezing breast milk was enough work, I didn't want to add to the chaos I already was felt.

22-ish months later Lucille joins our family and we are doing diapers double time. Roughly $80 a month, Ruby in Target diapers and Lucy in Pampers Swaddlers (I swear by these for the first couple months). You heard right, that adds up to almost a thousand dollars a year! Hmm, there had to be something to do about that.......And then I went back to the idea of cloth. I was home now and had the time to do a load or 2 of extra laundry, I wanted to save money since I wasn't working anymore and I was sick of the diaper being full before the day was over.

Then began the researching, all over again.... I looked for hours trying to pick the best option for us, what was easier, who had the best diaper for the best price, yadda yadda yadda!

With all that information I went for convenience! Babies-r-us sells gdiapers: little gpants, soakers, refills, pouches, etc. So I went for it! I spent $100 dollars and had 2-3 days worth of diapers-4 covesr/pouches and 12 soakers. I added a few different brands:2 Bum Genius All In Ones, 2 Flip by Bum Genius covers with 6 soakers, a Thirsties cover, and one ultra adorable ruffled butt Cocalo diaper with a pre-fold soaker. We have invested just around $230 dollars in cloth diapering and I will be set for the rest of Lucy's diapering "life". I call that saving money!

People argue the cost of water is so much more, all the extra time, the detergent is canceling out the "green part of diapering" its so gross......

Well, I tell you what I've leaned:
There is no way on earth that I am spending $80 dollars a month on water.
I use environmentally safe detergent for my diapers. You have to rinse, wash rinse the diapers and that is on the smallest load my washer has, 2-3 times a week. I only partially dry the soakers and air dry the rest of the way and the covers all air dry (VERY quickly at that).
I keep the dirty diapers in a dry pail with a lid. Usually throw a scrap of fabric with a little tea tree oil on it into the pail, it naturally disinfects the air and keeps the bathroom stink free.
Cloth is not gross or particularly messy (unless there has been a lot of fiber consumed by Lucy) Most of the poops slip right off and into the toilet, so no swishing the soaker around in the toilet water.
No chemical sitting on my baby's but all day every day.
Not one diaper rash
Minimal leaks
Super cute diapers

So there is my journey so far, I'm in about my 9th month of cloth and have not one complaint.
We do use disposables for travel and overnight (Lu is a super soaker)
I really think that cloth is a good idea for any environmentally aware family or not! I still use paper towels and napkins, I still slather on chemical filled lotion onto my body. But I'm not adding too much to the landfills and my purse appreciates the extra $73 dollars a month I have since I started (and Ruby has potty trained)

Don't be afraid mommies everywhere. If I can do it, trust me, you can too!

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