Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ahhhh! It's been too long!


Been a long time....
I really have no excuse other than running a house and raising children and being a wife (because these are not time consuming right?!?!?)

Lucy is one and as sweet as can be, she walks on her knees, dances to music, points to everything, says a couple words, shows off for company, CUDDLES!!!, sleeps well, eats well, loves well!

Ruby is closing in on 3 and WOW! She is a sassy pants, a creative thinker, as stubborn as a mule, smarter than she should be, a problem solver, a imaginative genius, a very little bit of a cuddler, a booty shaking dancer, and 75% horse (seriously, she neighs all day long!)

We had a busy summer full of swimming, zoo trips, cabin visits, library runs, beach bashes, plenty of picnics, park trips, backyard play dates, shopping trips, a little vacation and lots of air conditioned play due to the ridiculous heat!

My Love has been hard at work but has made plenty of time for us! He is a hard worker and the girls adore their daddy!

The house has a constant job for me: laundry, toys, crumbs, laundry, spills, papers, crayons, spilt milk, dirty sheets...
I realized I won't catch up for like 14 years or something! Oh well, such is life.

Reanna and I have have been having a lot of fun crafting. We started up "Blue bird boutique", we make headbands, hair clips, embellished onesies, lovies/taggies and bibs. It's been a great outlet for me.

Anyways, I had some coffee way to late tonight while grocery shopped and I am wide awake. I can only explore so far on the internet before I lose interest, so I landed here updating my poor neglected blog.....

1 comment:

  1. I'm spying on your blog, while I try to figure out how to even blog! AH! :) Cute pics of your kids!
